About Me

My name is Muhammad Rafa Aulia, and i am a 15 years old nint'h grade in the #cencored#. i currently live in Indonesia on java island, Bogor city. I dont have any IT title on any certificate on me or something like that, i also dont apply on any training or lesson, all i did is just watch tutors from youtube for free.

My Favorite Hobbies

My Skill

Communication soft skills are the tools you use to clearly and effectively converse with others, set expectations, and collaborate on projects.


Problem Solving

Problem-solving is a critical self-management skill that involves identifying issues, analyzing potential solutions, and implementing effective resolutions

the ability to properly manage your time. This includes things like knowing how to prioritize tasks, meeting deadlines, and setting effective goals.

Time Management

Graphich Design

Understanding of fonts and how to use them effectively. Photo Editing: Ability to edit and manipulate images.

Critical thinking is using creativity and foresight to achieve tasks and reach goals in the most efficient ways.

Critical Thinking


Creativity is the ability to think about a task or a problem in a new or different way, or the ability to use the imagination to generate new ideas.

Patience skills are the ability to wait for the right time to act or respond in a given situation. They also are the ability to wait for events to occur without feeling any negative emotions and respond to situations positively, even in challenging times.


Work Ethic

Someone with a strong work ethic is dedicated, motivated, and committed to their roles and takes pleasure from achieving success. Employees who have a strong work ethic usually possess other skills like attentiveness, independence, dependability, perseverance, multitasking, and good organizational skills.

My Project

First Website








My Habits


  • Eat healty
  • Regular sleep
  • Exercise everyday
  • Spend time with friends
  • Exercise regularly
  • Always have a goals
  • Exercise everyday
  • Learn something new
  • Smile
  • Develop a healty lifestyle


  • Procrastination
  • Being lazy often
  • Procrastination